Sunday, January 08, 2006

Throw the bums out

Doug Thompson at Capital Hill Blue makes a good case for impeachment. Doug gets a bad rap from the right wing partisans who portray him as some kind of foaming at the mouth nutjob but while his language is colorful, his views are really quite tempered and his creds are impeccable. The wingnuts just don't like that he has some high placed inside sources and the balls to call 'em as he sees 'em, as they say.

He's gone back and forth on the issue, for good reasons, but he's had enough. Excerpts:
Time to impeach the son of a bitch.

He needs to go. I’m not sure America can survive three more years with Bush driving the ship of state.

I’m not sure we can survive three more years of corrupt control of Congress by a party that circles the wagons to protect criminals like Tom DeLay and then drops its collective trousers, grabs its ankles and allows itself to be gleefully screwed by fatcat lobbyists and cash-rich special interest groups.

I’m not sure we can wait for the electorate to take action because the electorate has been pretty damn dumb and stupid for too long and given us too many miscreants living in the White House and wandering the halls of Congress.

Time to send a message to the cabal of greed and corruption that has taken over our government and tell them that their ass is grass and we’ve got a bunch of lawn mowers fully gassed and ready to start cutting.
Really. Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines. It's time to mow down this heinous gang of thugs.
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